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API Documentation


If you have any questions, encounter bugs, or just want to say hello, send us an email at



Time Formats





Broadcast Blocks

Batch Requests

Masked Requests

Push Messages

Misc Request

Object Fields


The Spotwatch API is accessible via HTTPS through You can pass arguments either as query strings or as JSON content with the content type application/json. Successful requests return 200 OK, while failed requests return either 400 Bad Request or 403 Forbidden with an error message in text/plain.

Most requests require a valid API key. The API key can be provided either as a parameter or as a header field Authorization with the type key.

Using API key as a query parameter

        $ curl -i '
        ' -H '
        Authorization: key

Using API key in a JSON body

        $ curl -i '
        ' -d '

Error response example

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/plain

Argument(s) missing. Expected [key, id], got [key, ad_fields], missing [id].

Success response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "categories" : [ "telecommunication", "electronics", "mobile" ]

Time Formats

By default, timestamps are provided in ISO 8601 format in UTC. You can specify the desired time format for timestamps in your requests using the time_fmt parameter.

Accepted values for time_fmt are:

value formatting output example
iso8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ 2022-03-31T06:07:07Z *default
unix integer 1678454850
plain YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS 2022-03-31 08:07:07
Plain Format

The plain format returns a timestamp adjusted to the timezone set for your API key. By default, the timezone is Europe/Berlin.

Set your timezone with




key string your API key
tz string the timezone to set


Default timezone set to [Europe/London].

Date Arguments

Requests with date arguments, usually indicated with a *_to / *_from postfix, accept either ISO 8601, unix or a short day format YYYY-MM-DD.




Requests potentially returning huge datasets accept an optional page_lim argument:

page_lim integer sets the limit for results per page
no limit / all on one page when -1
default 200

and return an additional page object with fields:

index integer current page index
zero based
prev string link to the previous page
null if first page
next string link to the next page
null if last page
results_total integer total number of results
(all pages combined)
pages_total integer total number of pages




    "page": {
        "index": 0,
        "prev": null,
        "next": "/hl0fserktnimhbcnfcmq",
        "results_total": 424588,
        "pages_total": 425
    "results": [

The prev and next fields are links to the next / previous pages.

        retuns the next page


Get your key with




email string your email
pw string your password


Your API key as text/plain.


        $ curl
         -d '




Get a single ad with




key string your API key
id integer the ad ID

ad_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the ad object shall contain
default all
broadcast_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the nested broadcast objects shall contain
default all except program genre subgenre ad
time_fmt time format


The ad with given ID as application/json.


    "id": 3893859079416045,
    "created": "2022-03-31T06:07:07Z",
    "lastseen": "2022-06-12T22:26:26Z",
    "duration": 20,
    "brand": "vodafone",
    "description": "allnet flat",
    "categories": [ "telecommunication" ],
    "nbroadcasts": 1,
    "broadcasts": [
            "id": 39840,
            "time": "2022-06-11T18:08:46Z",
            "region": "de",
            "channel": "vox",
            "ad": 3893859079416045,
            "block": 1259,
            "blockindex": 3
    "related": [ 2798804439039186 ],
    "media": {
        "video": {
            "mp4": "/klwc7ilp41lgb8kiopye"
        "image": {
            "preview": "/9dgnbp81g6jndapeazyy",
            "grid": "/pjbphmperbfaopf4qx8s"

Get multiple ads with




key string your API key

ids integers(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by Ad-ID(s)
category string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by categories
product string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by product(s)
event string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by event(s)
brand string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by brand
region string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by region
unidentified bool include ads which are not identified
default true
self_promo bool include self promotional ads
default true
created_from date lower limit for creation date
created_to date upper limit for creation date
lastseen_from date lower limit for last seen date
lastseen_to date upper limit for last seen date
time_seen_from date only return ads broadcasted from time_seen_from
time_seen_to date only return ads broadcasted until time_seen_from
duration_from integer lower limit for ad duration
in seconds
duration_to integer upper limit for ad duration
in seconds
ad_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the ad objects shall contain
default all
broadcast_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the nested broadcast objects shall contain
default all except program ad
keyword string(s)
comma-separated or json array
only return ads which contain one of given keyword(s)
time_fmt time format


Page and array containing matched ads as application/json.


    "page": { ... }
    "results": [
            "id": 6353806529225371,
            "lastseen": 1656592050,
            "media": {
                "video": {
                    "mp4": "/klwc7ilp41lgb8kiopye"
                "image": {
                    "preview": "/azfe4d2qwcmk0shik1gw",
                    "grid": "/pjbphmperbfaopf4qx8s"


Get a single broadcast with




key string your API key
id integer the broadcast ID

broadcast_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the broadcast object shall contain
default all
time_fmt time format


The broadcast with given ID as application/json.


    "id": 39840,
    "time": "2022-06-11T18:08:46Z",
    "region": "de",
    "channel": "vox",
    "ad": 3893859079416045,
    "block": 1259,
    "blockindex": 3,
    "program": "gute zeiten, schlechte zeiten",
    "genre": "serien",
    "subgenre": "daily soap"

Get multiple broadcasts with




key string your API key

channel string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by channel
region string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by region
ad_category string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by ad category
ad_brand string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by ad brand
time_from date lower limit for broadcast date
time_to date upper limit for broadcast date
ad_id integer(s)
comma-separated or json array
only return broadcasts for given Ad-ID(s)
broadcast_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the broadcast objects shall contain
default all
time_fmt time format


Page and array containing matched broadcasts as application/json.


    "page": { ... },
    "results": [
            "ad": 2371504209363725,
            "time": "2022-05-06 18:40:10",
            "region": "de",
            "channel": "dmax",

Get all broadcasts for an ad with




key string your API key
ad integer the ad ID

broadcast_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the broadcast objects shall contain
default all
region string(s)
comma-separated or json array
return broadcasts for specific region(s)
default all
fmt string return format, csv or json
default json
csv_delimiter string delimiter for the returned csv
default ,
time_fmt time format


An array containing all broadcast objects for given ad as


"47501";"2022-06-09 01:00:00";"de";"rtl";"3392276504707697";"5922";"0"

Broadcast blocks

Get a single broadcast block with




key string your API key
id integer the block ID

ad_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the nested ad objects shall contain
default id only
broadcast_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the nested broadcast objects shall contain
default id only
time_fmt time format


The block with given ID as application/json.


    "id": 1259,
    "region": "de",
    "channel": "rtl",
    "start": "2022-06-09T01:00:00Z",
    "finish": "2022-06-09T01:01:31Z",
    "program": "two and a half men",
    "genre": "serien",
    "subgenre": "comedyserie",
    "ads": [
            "id": 3392276504707697,
            "duration": 20

Get multiple broadcast blocks with




key string your API key

channel string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by channel
region string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by region
start_from date lower limit for broadcast date
start_to date upper limit for broadcast date
ad_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the nested ad objects shall contain
default id only
broadcast_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the nested broadcast objects shall contain
default id only
ad_id integer(s)
comma-separated or json array
list only blocks which contain any of the specified ad ID(s)
time_fmt time format


Page and array containing matched block objects as application/json.


    "page": { ... }
    "results": [
            "id" : 661,
            "region": "de",
            "channel" : "sat1",
            "start" : "2022-06-11T01:00:00Z",
            "finish" : "2022-06-11T01:01:31Z",
            "program": "navy cis",
            "genre": "serien",
            "subgenre": "krimiserie"
            "ads" : [
                    "id" : 767171625096234

Batch Requests

Make multiple API requests in one go with




key string your API key
requests json array json objects with form:
{ "mapkey": "", "path": "", "args": {} }

concurrent bool allows concurrent processing of multiple requests
default false


A map (mapkey -> result) of json objects with form:

    "code": "", "reply": ""


$ curl -H 'Authorization: key your-key' -d '{
    "requests": [
            "mapkey": "first",
            "path": "/get-block",
            "args": { "id": 810, "ad_fields": ["id", "brand"] }
            "mapkey": "second",
            "path": "/get-block",
            "args": { "id": 14426, "ad_fields": ["id", "brand"] }


    "first": {
        "code": 200,
        "reply": {
            "id": 810,
            "region": "de",
            "channel": "viva",
            "start": "2022-06-25T07:45:38Z",
            "finish": "2022-06-25T07:46:18Z",
            "ads": [
                { "id": 504038989557373, "brand": "" },
                { "id": 3996816512810860, "brand": "" }
    "second": {
        "code": 400,
        "reply": "Block ID [14426] not found."

Masked Requests

To avoid exposing sensible information in urls, mask requests with




key string your API key
path string request path
args json request arguments

ttl integer time to live for returned link, in seconds
no limit when -1
default 7200 (2 hours)
ctl integer calls to live for returned link
no limit when -1
default -1
allow_args bool allows late binding for arguments
default false


Generated link in text/plain.


$ curl -d '{
    "key": "your-key",
    "allow_args": true,
    "path": "/get-ad",
    "args": {
        "ad_fields": ["id", "brand", "description", "media"],
        "time_fmt": "plain"

The generated link can be called with arguments when allow_args is set to true:


Broadcast Push Messages via Webhooks

Set a webhook for broadcast push messages with




key string your API key
url string push endpoint

token string your chosen token
time_fmt time format
ad_fields string(s)
comma-separated or json array
fields the nested ad object shall contain
default: id created lastseen duration nbroadcasts brand description categories related media

Push messages are sent over HTTP/HTTPS using the POST method with a Content-Type of application/json. To verify a given endpoint, the server will send a ping message:

{ "ping": "random-string" }

The server expects the random string to be sent back as text/plain.

When setting an endpoint, you can pass an optional argument called token. This token can be any string of your choosing and will be included with every push message sent to the endpoint. You can use this token on your end to verify that the request comes from an authorized source.

Please note that only one endpoint can be set at any given time. Setting a new endpoint will overwrite the previous one.

Setting an Endpoint

To set an endpoint, use the following API call:


Deleting an Endpoint

To delete an endpoint, use the following API call:


Example Implementation

The following is an exemplary implementation of setting up a webhook and receiving messages:

express = require("express")
axios = require("axios")
crypto = require("crypto")
bodyParser = require("body-parser")

spotwatchApiKey = "your-api-key"
webhookUrl = ""

randomToken = crypto.randomBytes(32).toString("hex")

setupBroadcastWebhook = () ->
    apiRequestUrl = ""
    # Pass your webhook URL along with the generated token
    requestBody =
        key: spotwatchApiKey
        url: webhookUrl
        token: randomToken
        await, requestBody)
        console.log("Webhook set up successfully.")
    catch error
        console.log("Failed to set up webhook => #{error.response?.data}")

handleBroadcastMessage = (message) ->
    # Process and handle the broadcast message

app = express()

# The endpoint which will be called to deliver broadcast messages "/spotwatch-webhook", (request, response) ->
    body = request.body
    token = body?.token
    # This token should match your generated token
    if token isnt randomToken
        # Unauthorized access
    else if
        # Respond with the incoming ping in clear text
        # Handle incoming broadcast message

app.listen process.env.PORT, () ->
    # Set up the webhook once the server is running

Example Broadcast Push Message

    "token": "your-chosen-token",
    "push_type": "broadcast",
    "message": {
        "broadcast": {
            "id": 895797,
            "time": "2022-09-13T13:01:28Z",
            "region": "de",
            "channel": "sport1",
            "ad": 1843718744355554,
            "block": 110529,
            "blockindex": 0,
            "program": "american chopper"
            "genre": "report",
            "subgenre": "dokumentation"
        "timings": {
            "start": "2022-09-13T13:01:28Z",
            "end": "2022-09-13T13:01:48Z",
            "detected": "2022-09-13T13:01:30Z"
        "ad": {
            "id": 1843718744355554,
            "brand": "alfa romeo",

Broadcast Push Messages via Message Queue

You can also set up an internal message queue for broadcast messages. This can be accomplished by passing the special /message-queue URL parameter to /set-push-broadcast as shown below:


If /message-queue is used as the endpoint, new broadcast messages will be queued in an internal queue. The maximum number of queued messages is 1000. If the messages in the queue exceed this maximum number, old messages will be replaced by new ones.

Accessing Your Message Queue

To access your message queue, call:




key string your API key

num_messages integer maximum number of messages to return
default -1 which means all messages


An array containing up to num_messages or all messages, sorted from oldest to newest, in application/json format.

All returned messages are considered delivered and will be removed from the internal queue.


Fetch all queued messages


Fetch up to 100 queued messages


Sample Response

    "messages": [
            "push_type": "broadcast"
            "message": {
                "broadcast": {
                    "id": 181132408,
                    "time": "2024-07-29T19:31:01Z",
                    "region": "de",
                    "channel": "tlc",
                    "ad": 8693926032257232,
                    "block": 1728925,
                    "blockindex": 13,
                    "program": "Dating ohne Grenzen: In 90 Tagen zum Altar"
                    "genre": "report",
                    "subgenre": "reality-soap"
                "timings": {
                    "start": "2024-07-29T19:31:01Z",
                    "end": "2024-07-29T19:31:11Z",
                    "detected": "2024-07-29T19:31:04Z"
                "ad": {
                    "id": 8693926032257232,
                    "brand": "emma",
                    "created": "2024-07-04T04:43:47Z",
                    "lastseen": "2024-07-29T19:31:01Z",
                    "duration": 10,

Misc Requests

Get all available regions with




key string your API key


A list of all available regions as application/json.

Get all channels for which data is available, including historical data




key string your API key

fmt string return format, csv or json
default json


A map of all available channels mapped by region as application/json or a list as text/csv.

Get all currently tracked channels with




key string your API key

fmt string return format, csv or json
default json


A map of all available channels mapped by region as application/json or a list as text/csv.

Get all categories with




key string your API key


A list of all categories as application/json.

Get all brands with




key string your api key

region string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by region
channel string(s)
comma-separated or json array
filter by channel
time_seen_from time format return only brands seen from time_seen_from
time_seen_to time format return only brands seen until time_seen_to


A list of all brands as application/json.

Get all possible tv genres and subgenres with




key string your API key


A map of all possible genres and subgenres mapped by region as application/json.

Object Fields

Field Type Description
id integer ID of ad
created time format time when ad was generated
lastseen time format last time ad was seen
duration integer ad duration in seconds
brand string the advertised brand,
empty string if no brand assigned
description string short description of advertised content,
empty string if no description made
regions array of strings country code(s) of regions this ad is broadcasted in
categories array of strings categories of ad
broadcasts array of broadcasts all broadcasts of ad
nbroadcasts integer number of broadcasts
self_promo bool true or false if this ad is a broadcaster self promotion
url string visible url in ad,
empty string if ad does not contain an url
media media video and images of ad
related array of integers IDs of ads this ad is looking similar to
cross_region_ads map of string => integer ads broadcasted in other regions which look exactly like this ad,
ad IDs mapped by country code
user_data string custom user data

Ad Media

Field Type Description
image object images of ad, nullif ad has no images yet
preview string path to preview image
preview_xs string path to smaller version of preview image
grid string path to image from different ad snapshots arranged in a 3x3 grid
grid_xs string path to smaller version of grid image
video object videos of ad, nullif ad has no videos yet
mp4 string path to .mp4 version of video


Field Type Description
id integer ID of broadcast
time time format start time of broadcast
ad integer ID of broadcasted ad
region string region code of broadcast region
channel string name of broadcast channel
block integer ID of broadcast block
blockindex integer position of broadcast in broadcast block starting at 0
block_length integer total number of broadcasts in broadcast block
pic_in_pic bool true or false if broadcast is special picture in picture format
ad_brand string brand of broadcasted ad
ad_categories array of strings categories of broadcasted ad
ad_description string description of broadcasted ad
ad_duration integer duration of broadcasted ad
ad_nbroadcasts integer total number of broadcasts of broadcasted ad
program string name of TV-program during broadcast,
empty string if no program data available
genre string genre of TV-program,
empty string if no program data available
subgenre string subgenre of TV-program,
empty string if no program data available
prev_program string name of TV-program from previous block
prev_genre string genre of TV-program from previous block
prev_subgenre string subgenre of TV-program from previous block
next_program string name of TV-program from next block
next_genre string genre of TV-program from next block
next_subgenre string subgenre of TV-program from next block


Field Type Description
id integer ID of block
start time format start time of broadcast block
finish time format end time of broadcast block
region string region code of broadcast region
channel string name of broadcast channel
ads array of ads ads in this broadcast block, same order as they were broadcasted
program string name of TV-program during broadcast,
empty string if no program data available
genre string genre of TV-program
empty string if no program data available
subgenre string subgenre of TV-program
empty string if no program data available
prev_program string name of TV-program from previous block
prev_genre string genre of TV-program from previous block
prev_subgenre string subgenre of TV-program from previous block
next_program string name of TV-program from next block
next_genre string genre of TV-program from next block
next_subgenre string subgenre of TV-program from next block